'affordable hosting, domain names and website design'
Privacy Statement:
While Keenstreet Communications takes all precautions necessary to keep your
information private we can take no responsiblity for accidental leaking of
your information.
Information supplied by you is strictly confidential and will only be used for administrative purposes. Keenstreet Communications will not reveal or sell or distribute to any third party any personal information that is supplied by you to Keenstreet without your consent or unless required or permitted by law.
Domain registration:
Information supplied by you for registration of a domain(s) is input directly
to the 'registrar'.
Keenstreet Secure Server:
Our webserver uses PGP for encryption/decryption of orders/bookings from client
websites. These orders/bookings are then emailed direct to the client.
The client receives an email that looks similar to the below:
NMA3sTbcYMbQznIkut6RT9PbFbD4FfpznhXJGNNCxCesdwCL9lrQj5lnZj7/VAWY VKcyUbHdbIFWCiPQ8IMPirwyHxTb13VS+pFFRvwvKCljYvhoRrwteCZpjMb8uj5F
The message is then decrypted with installed software.
If you have any concerns or questions about this issue, please contact us.